PCR: ATG line
Name of Positive CTRL:ATG line
Annealing Temperature:65.0 °C
Number of cycles:40.0
Extension Time:60 s
Hot Start:Not yet
Primers:Primer:ID:Working Stock Concentration:Volume:Sequence (5'-3'):
check268100 µM20.0 µl for 1mlacaacgtcgagcacagctgcgcaagg
mTUBB5-247 F277100 µM10.0 µl for 1mlCGG CCA CCA TGA GCG GCG TC
mTUBB5-247 R392100 µM10.0 µl for 1mlGTG AGG TAC CGG CCG TGG CG
short266100 µM20.0 µl for 1mlgtactgcataatggtttaactcttgc
Expected Bands:Band Size: 249.0Description: 249mTUBB (text displayed in the image)
Band Size: 700.0Description: 700 (text displayed in the image)
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